Riverwood Estates Community Development District
Welcome to the official website for the Riverwood Estates Community Development District (the “District”). This website is funded on behalf of the District to serve two major purposes. The first is to comply with Chapter 189.069 of the Florida Statutes, which requires each special District to maintain an official website. The second is an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District, and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day operations of the community. These agencies include but are not limited to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and Pasco County.
The Riverwood Estates Community Development District (“District”) is an independent local unit of, special-purpose government, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and established by Ordinance 06-01, adopted of the Board of County Commissioners of Pasco County, Florida which became effective on February 14th, 2006.
The District currently encompasses approximately five hundred sixteen (516) acres of land located entirely within Pasco County, Florida. As a local unit of special-purpose government, the District provides an alternative means for planning, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining various public improvements and community facilities within its jurisdiction.
Board of Supervisors
The following is a list of the The District CDD Board of Supervisors with their assigned positions and terms. Please click on the link to the Supervisor of Elections website for further information.
Jenna Walters
Ray Aponte
Brady Lefere
Matt O’Brien
Patricia Buck
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Primary Contact
The Riverwood Estates Community Development District (“District”) is an independent local unit of, special-purpose government, created pursuant to and existing under the provisions of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and established by Ordinance 06-01, adopted of the Board of County Commissioners of Pasco County, Florida which became effective on February 14th, 2006.
Ordinance No. 06-01